Saturday, 27 April 2013

Spring Read-a-thon 2013: This time very abbreviated

It's that time again - when people all over the world read as much as possible for 24 hours. Of course, this year, I have about a million and one things I need to be doing, so I will not be able to devote more than a few hours today and tomorrow for reading. Still, a partial Readathon is better than nothing, and I do have some books lined up.

But I also have to make a cake, and wrap a present, get myself all prettied up and go to a birthday party and eat as many prawns as I possibly can. To try to maximize the reading, I will be listening to an audio book while I do most of the other stuff, but it's not the same as cozying up on the sofa with a book.


  1. A few hours is better than no hours. Enjoy your reading time today. If you need help with that cake (eating...) I could lend a hand :)

  2. Oh, I suspect the birthday girl and her many guests will be more than enough help with the cake. Thanks for the cheering!
