Thursday 11 July 2024

CBR16 Book 28: "What is Love?" by Jen Comfort

Page count: 345 pages
Rating: 5 stars

CBR16 Bingo: Games

Straight-laced university professor Teddy Ferguson has had a record-long stint of victories on the popular trivia game show Answers! when his confidence and entire existence are rocked by the appearance of the beautiful and confident Maxine Hart. She ruins his pre-show ritual by eating a specific doughnut by stealing it directly in front of him, taking one bite and then throwing it in the trash. One very memorable kiss and the fact that Maxine completely obliterates him on the game show means Teddy can never forget her. He can't believe that he was beaten by a self-taught, smart-mouthed high school dropout with ADHD. 

They don't see each other again until it's been over a year, when Maxine and Teddy have both been invited to compete in a special high-stakes tournament, featuring the only undefeated champion of the show, Hercules McKnight. Teddy persuades Maxine to take part, but both need to improve their weak areas (Teddy is far too cautious when gambling on categories, and Maxine has a lot of gaps in her knowledge base) and Maxine declares that they will train together. She unceremoniously shows up at his house in New Jersey with most of her worldly possessions, including her pet snake.

Maxine's entire way of living is chaotic and impulsive, while Teddy thrives on order and routine. Nevertheless, in the weeks before the tournament, they manage to find methods to assist and train the other. Among other things, Maxine takes Teddy sky-diving, to make him face some of his fears, and Teddy devises some very creative ways of making Maxine learn in a way that ensures that potentially boring facts will be burned in her memory. The sizzling chemistry they experienced during their first encounter means they can't live and work together in close quarters without eventually acting on their mutual attraction - but can their romance survive when both are determined to be the all-time winner of the Answers! tournament?

Because I finished this book towards the end of April and have been dreadfully negligent with getting my reviews written, I no longer remember in detail all the reasons why this is a five-star read to me. Chaotic and seemingly disorganised meets ordered and buttoned up (until it reaches a certain point and they always turn out to be incredibly passionate) is a trope that tends to work for me, and Maxine and Teddy were both so much fun to spend time with. I loved them individually and as a couple and wanted only great things for them.

I liked the preparation for the trivia contest and learned a whole bunch of cool stuff over the course of the book. That's never a bad thing. I had fairly high expectations for the book since my friend Rochelle/Emmalita gave it a rave review back in March. If she loves a book, I'm unlikely not to love it too. This was my first Jen Comfort novel, but it certainly won't be my last. 

Judging a book by its cover: A fairly simple, but quite cute cover, with bright, cheerful colours. The two people standing by gaming podiums are both wearing things the protagonists are described as wearing at various points in the novel, so that works too. While headless cover models is sometimes off-putting, I kind of like it here. 

Crossposted on Cannonball Read

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